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Di seguito una lista dei Progetti di Ricerca cui Citrech Snc ha partecipato:
- Ort-POR Sicilia - Innovazione 14.10.05 Ditta Ortogel spa - Agevolazioni POR Sicilia 2000/2006 – mis. 3.14 - Progetto n. 0198 dal titolo: “Creazione di un nuovo prodotto “Fibre Solubili di agrumi“ mediante l’ottimizzazione e la razionalizzazione di processi produttivi esistenti attraverso tecnologie enzimatiche innovative".
- ”POR Sicilia – Innovazione 16.10.2005 Ditta Cinzia alimentari Srl- Agevolazioni POR Sicilia 2000/2006 – mis. 3.14 – Progetto n. 0291 dal titolo:“Disattivazione dell’attività enzimatica pectinesterasica nei succhi di agrumi mediante nuova applicazione industriale del sistema di pastorizzazione a freddo ad alta pressione con CO2 in condizioni supercritiche”.
- POR Sicilia 2000-2006 misura 3.14 – Ditta Agrumaria Corleone SpA Promozione e sostegno al sistema regionale per la ricerca e l’innovazione” Azione B. pubblicato sulla GURS n. 27 del 01/06/2006, dal titolo: “Tecnologia Integrata Membrane-Chimica Supramolecolare per la rimozione selettiva di presidi fitosanitari dagli olii essenziali di agrumi“.
- Programma PIA Innovazione Progetto n. D08/0501/P 42300-13 – PIA REACOS Ditta Gioia Succhi SrlDecreto M.S.E. 1522320 del 1.12.2006 “Metodologie Innovative per la Valorizzazione dei Sottoprodotti della Filiera Agrumicola". Progetto “SAGRO“ POR Sicilia 2010 -2013 CUP G 63F11000470004
- Progetto “ SAGRO “ POR Sicilia 2010 -2013 CUP G 63F11000470004 Ditta Ortogel SpA “Celle fotovoltaiche di terza generazione sensibilizzate con coloranti naturali di derivazione autoctona“
- Progetto MISE Decreto del 21 maggio 2014, G.U. Serie Generale n.134 del 12-06-2014 Ditta Citrofood SpA “Uso sostenibile degli scarti di lavorazione della trasformazione industriale Agrumaria“
- Progetto su PO FESR Sicilia 2014-2020 "Nuovi prodotti dalla trasformazione agroindustriale di frutti da colture mediterranee e gestione sostenibile dei sottoprodotti - MedFruit"
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Di seguito i link ad alcuni lavori scientifici sugli agrumi e a siti web esterni
Letteratura sugli Antociani - Anthocyanins Literature
Nelle tabelle seguenti riportiamo dei dati di letteratura sugli antociani relativi alla struttura, alle caratteristiche ed alle loro proprietà
Tabella 1 - Caratteristiche
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Alappat, B., Alappat, J. | 2020 | Anthocyanin Pigments: Beyond Aesthetics. | Molecules 25, 5500. | 001 |
Taylor, L.P., Grotewold, E. | 2005 | Flavonoids as developmental regulators. | Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8, 317–323. | 002 |
Goodwin T.W. | 1975 | The Flavonoids: Edited by J. B. Harbone, T. J. Mabry and Helga Mabry Chapman and Hall | FEBS Letters 60, 221–221. | 003 |
Tanaka, Y., Sasaki, N., Ohmiya, A. | 2008 | Biosynthesis of plant pigments: anthocyanins, betalains and carotenoids. | The Plant Journal 54, 733–749. | 004 |
Grotewold, E. | 2006 | The Genetics and Biochemistry of Floral Pigments. | Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 57, 761–780. | 005 |
He, F., Mu, L., Yan, G.L., Liang, N.N., Pan, Q.-H., Wang, J., Reeves, M.J., Duan, C.Q. | 2010 | Biosynthesis of Anthocyanins and Their Regulation in Colored Grapes. | Biosynthesis of Anthocyanins and Their Regulation in Colored Grapes. | 006 |
Zhang, Y., Butelli, E., Martin, C. | 2014 | Engineering anthocyanin biosynthesis in plants. | Current Opinion in Plant Biology 19, 81–90. | 007 |
Springob, K., Nakajima, J., Yamazaki, M., Saito, K. | 2003 | Springob, K., Nakajima, J., Yamazaki, M., Saito, K. | ChemInform 34, chin.200338265. | 008 |
Kähkönen, M.P., Heinämäki, J., Ollilainen, V., Heinonen, M. | 2003 | Berry anthocyanins: isolation, identification and antioxidant activities. | Berry anthocyanins: isolation, identification and antioxidant activities. | 009 |
Alfenito, M.R., Souer, E., Goodman, C.D., Buell, R., Mol, J., Koes, R., Walbot, V. | 1998 | Functional Complementation of Anthocyanin Sequestration in the Vacuole by Widely Divergent Glutathione S-Transferases. | The Plant Cell 10, 1135. | 010 |
Marinova, K., Pourcel, L., Weder, B., Schwarz, M., Barron, D., Routaboul, J.-M., Debeaujon, I., Klein, M. | 2007 | The Arabidopsis MATE Transporter TT12 Acts as a Vacuolar Flavonoid/H+-Antiporter Active in Proanthocyanidin-Accumulating Cells of the Seed Coat. | The Plant Cell 19, 2023–2038. | 011 |
Zhao, C.L., Chen, Z.J., Bai, X.S., Ding, C., Long, T.J., Wei, F.G., Miao, K.R., | 2014 | Zhao, C.L., Chen, Z.J., Bai, X.S., Ding, C., Long, T.J., Wei, F.G., Miao, K.R., | Zhao, C.L., Chen, Z.J., Bai, X.S., Ding, C., Long, T.J., Wei, F.G., Miao, K.R., | 012 |
Tabella 2 - Farmacocinetica
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
He, J., Wallace, T.C., Keatley, K.E., Failla, M.L., Giusti, M.M. | 2009 | Stability of Black Raspberry Anthocyanins in the Digestive Tract Lumen and Transport Efficiency into Gastric and Small Intestinal Tissues in the Rat. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 57, 3141–3148. | 013 |
Passamonti, S., Vrhovsek, U., Vanzo, A., Mattivi, F. | 2003 | The stomach as a site for anthocyanins absorption from food. | FEBS Letters 544, 210–213. | 014 |
Talavéra, S., Felgines, C., Texier, O., Lamaison, J.-L., Besson, C., Rémésy, C. | 2003 | Anthocyanins Are Efficiently Absorbed from the Stomach in Anesthetized Rats. | The Journal of Nutrition 133, 4178–4182. | 015 |
Felgines, C., Talavera, S., Texier, O., Gil-Izquierdo, A., Lamaison, J.-L., Remesy, C. | 205 | Felgines, C., Talavera, S., Texier, O., Gil-Izquierdo, A., Lamaison, J.-L., Remesy, C. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 7721–7727. | 016 |
Mazza, G., Kay, C.D., Cottrell, T., Holub, B.J. | 2002 | Absorption of Anthocyanins from Blueberries and Serum Antioxidant Status in Human Subjects. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 7731–7737. | 018 |
Prior, R.L., Wu, X., Cao, G. | 2002 | Absorption and Metabolism of Anthocyanins in Elderly Women after Consumption of Elderberry or Blueberry. | The Journal of Nutrition 132, 1865–1871. | 019 |
Felgines, C., Talavéra, S., Texier, O., Lamaison, J.-L., Gonthier, M.-P., Scalbert, A., Rémésy, C. | 2003 | Strawberry Anthocyanins Are Recovered in Urine as Glucuro- and Sulfoconjugates in Humans. | The Journal of Nutrition 133, 1296–1301. | 020 |
Kay, C.D., Mazza, G. (Joe), Holub, B.J. | 2005 | Anthocyanins Exist in the Circulation Primarily as Metabolites in Adult Men. | The Journal of Nutrition 135, 2582–2588. | 021 |
Cooney, J.M., Jensen, D.J., McGhie, T.K. | 2004 | LC‐MS identification of anthocyanins in boysenberry extract and anthocyanin metabolites in human urine following dosing. | J Sci Food Agric 84, 237–245. | 022 |
Wu, X., Pittman, H.E., Prior, R.L. | 2004 | Pelargonidin Is Absorbed and Metabolized Differently than Cyanidin after Marionberry Consumption in Pigs. | Pelargonidin Is Absorbed and Metabolized Differently than Cyanidin after Marionberry Consumption in Pigs. | 023 |
Ichiyanagi, T., Shida, Y., Rahman, M.M., Hatano, Y., Konishi, T. | 2005 | Extended Glucuronidation Is Another Major Path of Cyanidin 3- O -β- d -Glucopyranoside Metabolism in Rats. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 7312–7319. | 024 |
Ichiyanagi, T., Shida, Y., Rahman, M.M., Hatano, Y., Konishi, T. | 2006 | Bioavailability and Tissue Distribution of Anthocyanins in Bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Extract in Rats. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 6578–6587. | 025 |
Walton, M.C., McGhie, T.K., Reynolds, G.W., Hendriks, W.H. | 2006 | The Flavonol Quercetin-3-Glucoside Inhibits Cyanidin-3-Glucoside Absorption in Vitro. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 4913–4920. | 026 |
Prior, R.L., Wu, X. | 2006 | Anthocyanins: Structural characteristics that result in unique metabolic patterns and biological activities. | Free Radical Research 40, 1014–1028. | 027 |
Passamonti, S., Vrhovsek, U., Mattivi, F. | 2002 | The interaction of anthocyanins with bilitranslocase. | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 296, 631–636. | 028 |
Nicolin, V., Grill, V., Micali, F., Narducci, P., Passamonti, S. | 2005 | Immunolocalisation of bilitranslocase in mucosecretory and parietal cells of the rat gastric mucosa. | J Mol Hist 36, 45–50. | 029 |
Talavéra, S., Felgines, C., Texier, O., Besson, C., Manach, C., Lamaison, J.-L., Rémésy, C. | 2004 | Anthocyanins Are Efficiently Absorbed from the Small Intestine in Rats. | The Journal of Nutrition 134, 2275–2279. | 030 |
Matuschek, M.C., Hendriks, W.H., McGhie, T.K., Reynolds, G.W. | 2006 | The jejunum is the main site of absorption for anthocyanins in mice. | The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 17, 31–36. | 031 |
Hollman, P.C.H. | 2004 | Absorption, Bioavailability, and Metabolism of Flavonoids. | Pharmaceutical Biology 42, 74–83. | 032 |
Arts, I.C.W., Sesink, A.L.A., Faassen-Peters, M., Hollman, P.C.H., | 2004 | The type of sugar moiety is a major determinant of the small intestinal uptake and subsequent biliary excretion of dietary quercetin glycosides. | Br J Nutr 91, 841–847. | 033 |
Manach, C., Williamson, G., Morand, C., Scalbert, A., Rémésy, C. | 2005 | Bioavailability and bioefficacy of polyphenols in humans. I. Review of 97 bioavailability studies. | he American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 81, 230S-242S. | 034 |
Kay, C.D. | 2006 | Aspects of anthocyanin absorption, metabolism and pharmacokinetics in humans. | Nutr. Res. Rev. 19, 137–146. | 035 |
Passamonti, S., Terdoslavich, M., Franca, R., Vanzo, A., Tramer, F., Braidot, E., Petrussa, E., Vianello, A. | 2009 | Bioavailability of Flavonoids: A Review of Their Membrane Transport and the Function of Bilitranslocase in Animal and Plant Organisms. | CDM 10, 369–394. | 036 |
Kurilich, A.C., Clevidence, B.A., Britz, S.J., Simon, P.W., Novotny, J.A., | 2005 | Plasma and Urine Responses Are Lower for Acylated vs Nonacylated Anthocyanins from Raw and Cooked Purple Carrots. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 6537–6542. | 037 |
Mülleder, U., Murkovic, M., Pfannhauser, W. | 2002 | Urinary excretion of cyanidin glycosides. | Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 53, 61–66. | 038 |
Kalt, W., Blumberg, J.B., McDonald, J.E., Vinqvist-Tymchuk, M.R., Fillmore, S.A.E., Graf, B.A., O’Leary, J.M., Milbury, P.E. | 2008 | Identification of Anthocyanins in the Liver, Eye, and Brain of Blueberry-Fed Pigs. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 705–712. | 039 |
Kay, C.D., Mazza, G., Holub, B.J., Wang, J., | 2004 | Anthocyanin metabolites in human urine and serum. | Br J Nutr 91, 933–942. | 040 |
Milbury, P.E., Vita, J.A., Blumberg, J.B. | 2010 | Anthocyanins are Bioavailable in Humans following an Acute Dose of Cranberry Juice. | The Journal of Nutrition 140, 1099–1104. | 041 |
Tsuda, T., Horio, F., Uchida, K., Aoki, H., Osawa, T. | 2003 | Dietary Cyanidin 3-O-β-D-Glucoside-Rich Purple Corn Color Prevents Obesity and Ameliorates Hyperglycemia in Mice. | The Journal of Nutrition 133, 2125–2130. | 042 |
Williamson, G., Sies, H., Heber, D., Keen, C.L., Macdonald, I.A., Actis-Gorreta, L., Momma, T.Y., Ottaviani, J.I., Holt, R.R., Schroeter, H., Heiss, C. | 2009 | Functional foods for health promotion: state-of-the-science on dietary flavonoids | Extended abstracts from the 12 th Annual Conference on Functional Foods for Health Promotion. Nutrition Reviews 67, 736–743. | 043 |
Keppler, K., Humpf, H.-U. | 2005 | Metabolism of anthocyanins and their phenolic degradation products by the intestinal microflora. | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 13, 5195–5205. | 044 |
Sesso, H.D., Gaziano, J.M., Jenkins, D.J.A., Buring, J.E. | 2007 | Strawberry Intake, Lipids, C-Reactive Protein, and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Women. | Journal of the American College of Nutrition 26, 303–310. | 045 |
Klatsky, A. | 2001 | Commentary: Could abstinence from alcohol be hazardous to your health? | International Journal of Epidemiology 30, 739–742. | 046 |
Aura, A.-M., Martin-Lopez, P., O’Leary, K.A., Williamson, G., Oksman-Caldentey, K.-M., Poutanen, K., Santos-Buelga, C. | 2005 | In vitro metabolism of anthocyanins by human gut microflora. | Eur J Nutr 44, 133–142. | 047 |
Vitaglione, P., Donnarumma, G., Napolitano, A., Galvano, F., Gallo, A., Scalfi, L., Fogliano, V. | 2007 | Protocatechuic Acid Is the Major Human Metabolite of Cyanidin-Glucosides3. | The Journal of Nutrition 137, 2043–2048. | 048 |
Crozier, A., Jaganath, I.B., Clifford, M.N. | 2009 | Dietary Phenolics: Chemistry, Bioavailability and Effects on Health. | ChemInform 40, chin.200946244. | 049 |
Wallace, T.C. | 2011 | Anthocyanins in Cardiovascular Disease. | Advances in Nutrition 2, 1–7. | 050 |
Nollet, L.M.L., Toldra, F. | 2012 | Anthocyanins and Betalains, in: Food Analysis by HPLC. | CRC Press, pp. 774–793. | 051 |
Gonçalves, A.C., Nunes, A.R., Falcão, A., Alves, G., Silva, L.R. | 2021 | Dietary Effects of Anthocyanins in Human Health: A Comprehensive Review. | Pharmaceuticals 14, 690. | 052 |
Tabella 3 - Proprietà Antimicrobiche
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Nohynek, L.J., Alakomi, H.-L., Kähkönen, M.P., Heinonen, M., Helander, I.M., Oksman-Caldentey, K.-M., Puupponen-Pimiä, R.H. | 2006 | Antimicrobial Properties and Mechanisms of Action Against Severe Human Pathogens. | Berry Phenolics: Nutrition and Cancer 54, 18–32. | 053 |
Burdulis, D., Ivanauskas, L., Dirsė, V., Kazlauskas, S., Ražukas, A., | 2007 | Study of diversity of anthocyanin composition in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruits. | Medicina 43, 971. | 054 |
Wu, V.C.-H., Qiu, X., Bushway, A., Harper, L. | 2008 | Antibacterial effects of American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) concentrate on foodborne pathogens. | LWT - Food Science and Technology 41, 1834–1841. | 055 |
Česonienė, L., Jasutienė, I., Šarkinas, A. | 2009 | Phenolics and anthocyanins in berries of European cranberry and their antimicrobial activity. | Medicina 45, 992. | 056 |
Lacombe, A., Wu, V.C.H., Tyler, S., Edwards, K. | 2010 | Antimicrobial action of the American cranberry constituents; phenolics, anthocyanins, and organic acids, against Escherichia coli O157:H7. | International Journal of Food Microbiology 139, 102–107. | 057 |
Werlein, H.-D., Kütemeyer, C., Schatton, G., Hubbermann, E.M., Schwarz, K. | 2005 | Influence of elderberry and blackcurrant concentrates on the growth of microorganisms. | Food Control 16, 729–733. | 058 |
Cisowska, A., Wojnicz, D., Hendrich, A.B. | 2011 | Anthocyanins as Antimicrobial Agents of Natural Plant Origin. | Natural Product Communications 6, 1934578X1100600. | 059 |
Naz, S., Siddiqi, R., Ahmad, S., Rasool, S.A., Sayeed, S.A. | 2007 | Antibacterial Activity Directed Isolation of Compounds from Punica granatum. | Journal of Food Science 72. | 060 |
Chatterjee, A., Yasmin, T., Bagchi, D., Stohs, S.J. | 2004 | Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori in vitro by various berry extracts, with enhanced susceptibility to clarithromycin. | Mol Cell Biochem 265, 19–26. | 061 |
Smeriglio, A., Barreca, D., Bellocco, E., Trombetta, D. | 2016 | Chemistry, Pharmacology and Health Benefits of Anthocyanins. | Phytotherapy Research 30, 1265–1286. | 062 |
Tabella 4 - proprietà Anticancro
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Wang, C., Yu, S., Jiang, J., Li, H., Pan, Y., Li, W., Bai, C., Li, M., Xie, P., Liu, J., Li, J. | 2022 | Protective Effect of Anthocyanins on Radiation-induced Hippocampal Injurythrough Activation of SIRT3. | CPD 28, 1103–1108. | 063 |
Durbin, R.P. | 1975 | Letter: Acid secretion by gastric mucous membrane. | Am J Physiol 229, 1726. | 064 |
Xu, C., Li, C.Y.T., Kong, A.N.T.,ì | 2005 | Induction of phase I, II and III drug metabolism/transport by xenobiotics. | Arch Pharm Res 28, 249–268. | 065 |
Xu, J.-W., Ikeda, K., Yamori, Y. | 2004 | Upregulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase by Cyanidin-3-Glucoside, a Typical Anthocyanin Pigment. | Hypertension 44, 217–222. | 066 |
Xu, J.-W., Ikeda, K., Yamori, Y. | 2004 | Cyanidin‐3‐glucoside regulates phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. | Cyanidin‐3‐glucoside regulates phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. | 068 |
He, J., Giusti, M.M. | 2010 | Anthocyanins: Natural Colorants with Health-Promoting Properties. | Annu. Rev. Food Sci. Technol. 1, 163–187. | 069 |
Renis, M., Calandra, L., Scifo, C., Tomasello, B., Cardile, V., Vanella, L., Bei, R., Fauci, L.L., Galvano, F. | 2008 | Response of cell cycle/stress-related protein expression and DNA damage upon treatment of CaCo2 cells with anthocyanins. | Br J Nutr 100, 27–35. | 070 |
Bagchi, D., Sen, C.K., Bagchi, M., Atalay, M. | 2004 | Anti-angiogenic, Antioxidant, and Anti-carcinogenic Properties of a Novel Anthocyanin-Rich Berry Extract Formula. | Biochemistry (Moscow) 69, 75–80. | 071 |
Singletary, K.W., Jung, K.-J., Giusti, M. | 2007 | Anthocyanin-Rich Grape Extract Blocks Breast Cell DNA Damage. | Journal of Medicinal Food 10, 244–251. | 072 |
Srivastava, A., Akoh, C.C., Fischer, J., Krewer, G. | 2007 | Effect of Anthocyanin Fractions from Selected Cultivars of Georgia-Grown Blueberries on Apoptosis and Phase II Enzymes. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 3180–3185. | 073 |
Ohara, A., Matsuhisa, T., | 2004 | Effects of diet composition on mutagenic activity in urine. | BioFactors 22, 115–118. | 074 |
Yoshimoto, M., Okuno, S., Yamaguchi, M., Yamakawa, O. | 2001 | Antimutagenicity of Deacylated Anthocyanins in Purple-fleshed Sweetpotato. | Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 65, 1652–1655. | 075 |
Shih, P.-H., Yeh, C.-T., Yen, G.-C. | 2007 | Anthocyanins Induce the Activation of Phase II Enzymes through the Antioxidant Response Element Pathway against Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 9427–9435. | 076 |
Zhao, C., Giusti, M.M., Malik, M., Moyer, M.P., Magnuson, B.A. | 2004 | Effects of Commercial Anthocyanin-Rich Extracts on Colonic Cancer and Nontumorigenic Colonic Cell Growth. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 52, 6122–6128. | 077 |
Chang, Y., Huang, H., Hsu, J., Yang, S., Wang, C. | 2005 | Anthocyanins rich extract-induced apoptotic cell death in human promyelocytic leukemia cells. | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 205, 201–212. | 078 |
Feng, R., Ni, H.-M., Wang, S.Y., Tourkova, I.L., Shurin, M.R., Harada, H., Yin, X.-M. | 2007 | Cyanidin-3-rutinoside, a Natural Polyphenol Antioxidant, Selectively Kills Leukemic Cells by Induction of Oxidative Stress. | Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 13468–13476. | 079 |
Brandstetter, H., Grams, F., Glitz, D., Lang, A., Huber, R., Bode, W., Krell, H.-W., Engh, R.A. | 2001 | The 1.8-Å crystal structure of a matrix metalloproteinase 8-barbiturate inhibitor complex reveals a previously unobserved mechanism for collagenase substrate recognition. | Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 31474. | 080 |
Huang, C., Li, J., Song, L., Zhang, D., Tong, Q., Ding, M., Bowman, L., Aziz, R., Stoner, G.D. | 2006 | Black Raspberry Extracts Inhibit Benzo( a )Pyrene Diol-Epoxide–Induced Activator Protein 1 Activation and VEGF Transcription by Targeting the Phosphotidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt Pathway. | Cancer Research 66, 581–587. | 081 |
Jing, P., Bomser, J.A., Schwartz, S.J., He, J., Magnuson, B.A., Giusti, M.M. | 2008 | Structure−Function Relationships of Anthocyanins from Various Anthocyanin-Rich Extracts on the Inhibition of Colon Cancer Cell Growth. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 9391–9398. | 083 |
Zhang, Y., Seeram, N.P., Lee, R., Feng, L., Heber, D. | 2008 | Isolation and Identification of Strawberry Phenolics with Antioxidant and Human Cancer Cell Antiproliferative Properties. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 670–675. | 082 |
Kallam, K., Appelhagen, I., Luo, J., Albert, N., Zhang, H., Deroles, S., Hill, L., Findlay, K., Andersen, Ø.M., Davies, K., Martin, C. | 2017 | Aromatic Decoration Determines the Formation of Anthocyanic Vacuolar Inclusions. | Current Biology 27, 945–957. | 084 |
Cvorovic, J., Tramer, F., Granzotto, M., Candussio, L., Decorti, G., Passamonti, S. | 2010 | Oxidative stress-based cytotoxicity of delphinidin and cyanidin in colon cancer cells. | Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 501, 151–157. | 085 |
Hou, D.X., Ose, T., Lin, S., Harazoro, K., Imamura, I., Kubo, M., Uto, T., Terahara, N., Yoshimoto, M., Fujii, M. | 2003 | Anthocyanidins induce apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukemia cells: Structure-activity relationship and mechanisms involved. | Int J Oncol., Volume 23 Issue 3 | 086 |
Forester, S.C., Waterhouse, A.L. | 2008 | Identification of Cabernet Sauvignon Anthocyanin Gut Microflora Metabolites. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 9299–9304. | 087 |
Seeram, N. | 2001 | Cyclooxygenase inhibitory and antioxidant cyanidin glycosides in cherries and berries. | Phytomedicine 8, 362–369. | 088 |
Bruce, W.R., Wolever, T.M.S., Giacca, A., | 2000 | Mechanisms Linking Diet and Colorectal Cancer: The Possible Role of Insulin Resistance. | Nutrition and Cancer 37, 19–26. | 089 |
Lala, G., Malik, M., Zhao, C., He, J., Kwon, Y., Giusti, M.M., Magnuson, B.A. | 2006 | Anthocyanin-Rich Extracts Inhibit Multiple Biomarkers of Colon Cancer in Rats. | Nutrition and Cancer 54, 84–93. | 090 |
Kang, S.-Y., Seeram, N.P., Nair, M.G., Bourquin, L.D., | 2003 | Tart cherry anthocyanins inhibit tumor development in ApcMin mice and reduce proliferation of human colon cancer cells. | Cancer Letters 194, 13–19. | 091 |
Cooke, D., Steward, W.P., Gescher, A.J., Marczylo, T. | 2005 | Anthocyans from fruits and vegetables – Does bright colour signal cancer chemopreventive activity? | European Journal of Cancer 41, 1931–1940. | 092 |
Wang, L.-S., Stoner, G.D. | 2008 | Anthocyanins and their role in cancer prevention. | Cancer Letters 269, 281–290. | 093 |
Thomasset, S., Teller, N., Cai, H., Marko, D., Berry, D.P., Steward, W.P., Gescher, A.J. | 2009 | Do anthocyanins and anthocyanidins, cancer chemopreventive pigments in the diet, merit development as potential drugs? | Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 64, 201–211. | 094 |
Galvano, F., La Fauci, L., Lazzarino, G., Fogliano, V., Ritieni, A., Ciappellano, S., Battistini, N.C., Tavazzi, B., Galvano, G. | 2004 | Cyanidins: metabolism and biological properties. | The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 15, 2–11. | 095 |
Hazafa, A., Rehman, K.-U.-, Jahan, N., Jabeen, Z., | 2020 | The Role of Polyphenol (Flavonoids) Compounds in the Treatment of Cancer Cells. | Nutrition and Cancer 72, 386–397. | 096 |
Li, W., Peng, C., Zhaojie, L., Wei, W. | 2022 | Chemopreventive and therapeutic properties of anthocyanins in breast cancer: A comprehensive review. | Nutrition Research 107, 48–64. | 097 |
Lin, B., Gong, C., Song, H., Cui, Y. | 2017 | Effects of anthocyanins on the prevention and treatment of cancer. | British J Pharmacology 174, 1226–1243. | 098 |
De Sousa Moraes, L.F., Sun, X., Peluzio, M.D.C.G., Zhu, M.-J. | 2019 | Anthocyanins/anthocyanidins and colorectal cancer: What is behind the scenes? | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59, 59–71. | 099 |
De Arruda Nascimento, E., De Lima Coutinho, L., Da Silva, C.J., De Lima, V.L.A.G., Dos Santos Aguiar, J. | 2022 | In vitro anticancer properties of anthocyanins: A systematic review. | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer 1877, 188748. | 100 |
Sehitoglu, M.H., Farooqi, A.A., Qureshi, M.Z., Butt, G., Aras, A. | 2014 | Anthocyanins: Targeting of Signaling Networks in Cancer Cells. | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15, 2379–2381. | 101 |
Dharmawansa, K.V.S., Hoskin, D.W., Rupasinghe, H.P.V. | 2020 | Chemopreventive Effect of Dietary Anthocyanins against Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Review of Recent Advances and Perspectives. | IJMS 21, 6555. | 102 |
Jiang, W., Zhou, X. | 2019 | Hydrolysis of radish anthocyanins to enhance the antioxidant and antiproliferative capacities. | Food Chemistry 294, 477–485. | 103 |
Liu, H., Jiang, W., Xie, M. | 2010 | Flavonoids: Recent Advances as Anticancer Drugs. | PRA 5, 152–164. | 104 |
Chen, J., Xu, B., Sun, J., Jiang, X., Bai, W. | 2022 | Anthocyanin supplement as a dietary strategy in cancer prevention and management: A comprehensive review. | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 62, 7242–7254. | 105 |
Tabella 5 - Malattie Metaboliche
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Zheng, Y., Ley, S.H., Hu, F.B. | 2018 | Global aetiology and epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. | Nat Rev Endocrinol 14, 88–98. | 106 |
Belwal, T., Nabavi, S., Nabavi, S., Habtemariam, S. | 2017 | Dietary Anthocyanins and Insulin Resistance: When Food Becomes a Medicine. | Nutrients 9, 1111. | 107 |
Sarikaphuti, A., Nararatwanchai, T., Hashiguchi, T., Ito, T., Thaworanunta, S., Kikuchi, K., Oyama, Y., Maruyama, I., Tancharoen, S. | 2013 | Preventive effects of Morus alba L. anthocyanins on diabetes in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. | Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 6, 689–695. | 108 |
Suantawee, T., Elazab, S., Hsu, W., Yao, S., Cheng, H., Adisakwattana, S. | 2017 | Cyanidin Stimulates Insulin Secretion and Pancreatic β-Cell Gene Expression through Activation of l-type Voltage-Dependent Ca2+ Channels. | Nutrients 9, 814. | 109 |
Hong, S.H., Heo, J.I., Kim, J.H., Kwon, S.-O., Yeo, K.M., Bakowska-Barczak, A.M., Kolodziejczyk, P., Ryu, O.H., Choi, M.K., Kang, Y.H., Lim, S.S., Suh, H.-W., Huh, S.-O., Lee, J.-Y. | 2013 | Antidiabetic and Beta Cell-Protection Activities of Purple Corn Anthocyanins. | Biomolecules and Therapeutics 21, 284–289. | 110 |
Matsui, T., Ebuchi, S., Kobayashi, M., Fukui, K., Sugita, K., Terahara, N., Matsumoto, K. | 2002 | Anti-hyperglycemic Effect of Diacylated Anthocyanin Derived from Ipomoea batatas Cultivar Ayamurasaki Can Be Achieved through the α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Action. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 7244–7248. | 111 |
Tsuda, T. | 2008 | Regulation of Adipocyte Function by Anthocyanins; Possibility of Preventing the Metabolic Syndrome. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 642–646. | 112 |
Tsuda, T., Ueno, Y., Yoshikawa, T., Kojo, H., Osawa, T. | 2006 | Microarray profiling of gene expression in human adipocytes in response to anthocyanins. | Biochemical Pharmacology 71, 1184–1197. | 113 |
Tsuda, T., Ueno, Y., Kojo, H., Yoshikawa, T., Osawa, T. | 2005 | Gene expression profile of isolated rat adipocytes treated with anthocyanins. | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1733, 137–147. | 114 |
Sasaki, R., Nishimura, N., Hoshino, H., Isa, Y., Kadowaki, M., Ichi, T., Tanaka, A., Nishiumi, S., Fukuda, I., Ashida, H., Horio, F., Tsuda, T. | 2007 | Cyanidin 3-glucoside ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity due to downregulation of retinol binding protein 4 expression in diabetic mice. | Biochemical Pharmacology 74, 1619–1627. | 115 |
Channuwong, P., Salae, K., Chongruchiroj, S., Cheng, H., Suantawee, T., Thilavech, T., Adisakwattana, S. | 2022 | Dietary anthocyanins inhibit insulin fibril formation and cytotoxicity in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 223, 1578–1585. | 116 |
Saithong, T., Thilavech, T., Adisakwattana, S. | 2018 | Cyanidin-3-rutinoside reduces insulin fibrillation and attenuates insulin fibrils-induced oxidative hemolysis of human erythrocytes. | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 113, 259–268. | 117 |
Rambaran, R.N., Serpell, L.C. | 2008 | Amyloid fibrils: Abnormal protein assembly. | Prion 2, 112–117. | 118 |
Choudhary, S., Kishore, N., Hosur, R.V. | 2015 | Inhibition of insulin fibrillation by osmolytes: Mechanistic Insights. | Sci Rep 5, 17599. | 119 |
Shinohara, M., Sato, N. | 2017 | Bidirectional interactions between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. | Neurochemistry International 108, 296–302. | 120 |
Raleigh, D., Zhang, X., Hastoy, B., Clark, A. | 2017 | The β-cell assassin: IAPP cytotoxicity. | Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 59, R121–R140. | 121 |
Brange, J., Andersen, L., Laursen, E.D., Meyn, G., Rasmussen, E. | 1997 | Toward Understanding Insulin Fibrillation. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 86, 517–525. | 122 |
Hua, Q., Weiss, M.A. | 2004 | Mechanism of Insulin Fibrillation. | Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, 21449–21460. | 123 |
Van Den Berghe, G., Wouters, P., Weekers, F., Verwaest, C., Bruyninckx, F., Schetz, M., Vlasselaers, D., Ferdinande, P., Lauwers, P., Bouillon, R. | 2001 | Intensive Insulin Therapy in Critically Ill Patients. | N Engl J Med 345, 1359–1367. | 124 |
Raskin, P., Allen, E., Hollander, P., Lewin, A., Gabbay, R.A., Hu, P., Bode, B., Garber, A. | 2005 | Initiating Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes. | Diabetes Care 28, 260–265. | 125 |
Foderà, V., Librizzi, F., Groenning, M., Van De Weert, M., Leone, M. | 2008 | Secondary Nucleation and Accessible Surface in Insulin Amyloid Fibril Formation. | J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 3853–3858. | 126 |
Rajasekhar, K., Chakrabarti, M., Govindaraju, T. | 2015 | Function and toxicity of amyloid beta and recent therapeutic interventions targeting amyloid beta in Alzheimer’s disease. | Chem. Commun. 51, 13434–13450. | 127 |
Yoshihara, H., Saito, J., Tanabe, A., Amada, T., Asakura, T., Kitagawa, K., Asada, S. | 2016 | Characterization of Novel Insulin Fibrils That Show Strong Cytotoxicity Under Physiological pH. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105, 1419–1426. | 128 |
Tsuda, T. | 2012 | Dietary anthocyanin‐rich plants: Biochemical basis and recent progress in health benefits studies. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 56, 159–170. | 129 |
Mojica, L., Berhow, M., De Mejia, E.G. | 2017 | Black Bean Coat Anthocyanin‐Rich Extracts and Pure Anthocyanins Modulated Molecular Markers of Diabetes. | The FASEB Journal 31. | 130 |
Tabella 6 proprietà Antiossidanti
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Proteggente, A.R., Pannala, A.S., Paganga, G., Buren, L.V., Wagner, E., Wiseman, S., Put, F.V.D., Dacombe, C., Rice-Evans, C.A. | 2002 | The Antioxidant Activity of Regularly Consumed Fruit and Vegetables Reflects their Phenolic and Vitamin C Composition. | Free Radical Research 36, 217–233. | 131 |
Seeram, N.P., Nair, M.G. | 2002 | Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation and Structure−Activity-Related Studies of the Dietary Constituents Anthocyanins, Anthocyanidins, and Catechins. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 5308–5312. | 132 |
Jing, P., Zhao, S., Ruan, S., Sui, Z., Chen, L., Jiang, L., Qian, B. | 2014 | Quantitative studies on structure–ORAC relationships of anthocyanins from eggplant and radish using 3D-QSAR. | Food Chemistry 145, 365–371. | 133 |
Kongpichitchoke, T., Hsu, J.L., Huang, T.C., | 2015 | Number of Hydroxyl Groups on the B-Ring of Flavonoids Affects Their Antioxidant Activity and Interaction with Phorbol Ester Binding Site of PKCδ C1B Domain: In Vitro and in Silico Studies. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 63, 4580–4586. | 134 |
Huang, D., Ou, B., Prior, R.L. | 2005 | The Chemistry behind Antioxidant Capacity Assays. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 1841–1856. | 135 |
Wang, H., Cao, G., Prior, R.L. | 1997 | Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity of Anthocyanins. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 45, 304–309. | 136 |
Acquaviva, R., Russo, A., Galvano, F., Galvano, G., Barcellona, M.L., Li Volti, G., Vanella, A. | 2003 | Cyanidin and cyanidin 3- O -β-D-glucoside as DNA cleavage protectors and antioxidants. | Cell Biol Toxicol 19, 243–252. | 137 |
Serraino, I., Dugo, L., Dugo, P., Mondello, L., Mazzon, E., Dugo, G., Caputi, A.P., Cuzzocrea, S. | 2003 | Protective effects of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside from blackberry extract against peroxynitrite-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular failure. | Life Sciences 73, 1097–1114. | 138 |
Tarozzi, A., Marchesi, A., Hrelia, S., Angeloni, C., Andrisano, V., Fiori, J., Cantelli-Forti, G., Hrelia, P. | 2005 | Protective effects of Cyanidin-3-O-β-glucopyranoside against UVA-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Keratinocytes. | Photochem Photobiol 2004-06-14-RA-200. | 139 |
Cimino, F., Ambra, R., Canali, R., Saija, A., Virgili, F. | 2006 | Effect of Cyanidin-3- O -glucoside on UVB-Induced Response in Human Keratinocytes. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 4041–4047. | 140 |
Guerra, M.C., Galvano, F., Bonsi, L., Speroni, E., Costa, S., Renzulli, C., Cervellati, R. | 2005 | Cyanidin-3- O -β-glucopyranoside, a natural free-radical scavenger against aflatoxin B1- and ochratoxin A-induced cell damage in a human hepatoma cell line (Hep G2) and a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line (CaCo-2). | Br J Nutr 94, 211–220. | 141 |
Russo, A., La Fauci, L., Acquaviva, R., Campisi, A., Raciti, G., Scifo, C., Renis, M., Galvano, G., Vanella, A., Galvano, F., | 2005 | Ochratoxin A-induced DNA damage in human fibroblast: protective effect of cyanidin 3-O-β-d-glucoside. | The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 16, 31–37. | 142 |
Szymanowska, U., Baraniak, B. | 2019 | Antioxidant and Potentially Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Anthocyanin Fractions from Pomace Obtained from Enzymatically Treated Raspberries. | Antioxidants 8, 299. | 143 |
Lee, Y.-M., Yoon, Y., Yoon, H., Park, H.-M., Song, S., Yeum, K.-J. | 2017 | Dietary Anthocyanins against Obesity and Inflammation. | Nutrients 9, 1089. | 144 |
Li, S., Wu, B., Fu, W., Reddivari, L., | 2019 | The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Dietary Anthocyanins against Ulcerative Colitis. | IJMS 20, 2588. | 145 |
Pereira, S.R., Pereira, R., Figueiredo, I., Freitas, V., Dinis, T.C.P., Almeida, L.M. | 2017 | Comparison of anti-inflammatory activities of an anthocyanin-rich fraction from Portuguese blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and 5-aminosalicylic acid in a TNBS-induced colitis rat model. | PLoS ONE 12, e0174116. | 146 |
Ngamsamer, C., Sirivarasai, J., Sutjarit, N. | 2022 | The Benefits of Anthocyanins against Obesity-Induced Inflammation. | Biomolecules 12, 852. | 147 |
Jayarathne, S., Stull, A.J., Park, O., Kim, J.H., Thompson, L., Moustaid‐Moussa, N. | 2019 | Protective Effects of Anthocyanins in Obesity‐Associated Inflammation and Changes in Gut Microbiome. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 63, 1900149. | 148 |
Azzini, E., Giacometti, J., Russo, G.L. | 2017 | Antiobesity Effects of Anthocyanins in Preclinical and Clinical Studies. | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017, 1–11. | 149 |
Thompson, K., Pederick, W., Santhakumar, A.B. | 2016 | Anthocyanins in obesity-associated thrombogenesis: a review of the potential mechanism of action. | Food Funct. 7, 2169–2178. | 150 |
Knaup, B., Oehme, A., Valotis, A., Schreier, P. | 2009 | Anthocyanins as lipoxygenase inhibitors. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 53, 617–624. | 151 |
Singh, C.K., Siddiqui, I.A., El‐Abd, S., Mukhtar, H., Ahmad, N. | 2016 | Combination chemoprevention with grape antioxidants. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 60, 1406–1415. | 152 |
Phan, M.A.T., Bucknall, M.P., Arcot, J. | 2019 | Interferences of anthocyanins with the uptake of lycopene in Caco-2 cells, and their interactive effects on anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation in vitro and ex vivo. | Food Chemistry 276, 402–409. | 153 |
Valenza, A., Bonfanti, C., Pasini, M.E., Bellosta, P. | 2018 | Anthocyanins Function as Anti-Inflammatory Agents in a Drosophila Model for Adipose Tissue Macrophage Infiltration. | BioMed Research International 2018, 1–9. | 154 |
Tabella 7 Applicazioni Oculari
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Matsumoto, H., Nakamura, Y., Iida, H., Ito, K., Ohguro, H. | 2006 | Comparative assessment of distribution of blackcurrant anthocyanins in rabbit and rat ocular tissues. | Experimental Eye Research 83, 348–356. | 155 |
Nakaishi, H., Matsumoto, H., Tominaga, S., Hirayama, M. | 2000 | Effects of black current anthocyanoside intake on dark adaptation and VDT work-induced transient refractive alteration in healthy humans. | Altern Med Rev 5, 553–562. | |
Pojer, E., Mattivi, F., Johnson, D., Stockley, C.S. | 2013 | The Case for Anthocyanin Consumption to Promote Human Health: A Review. | Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safe 12, 483–508. | 157 |
Ohguro, H., Ohguro, I., Katai, M., Tanaka, S. | 2012 | Two-Year Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Black Currant Anthocyanins on Visual Field in Glaucoma. | Ophthalmologica 228, 26–35. | 158 |
Iida, H., Nakamura, Y., Matsumoto, H., Takeuchi, Y., Harano, S., Ishihara, M., Katsumi, O. | 2010 | Effect of Black-Currant Extract on Negative Lens-Induced Ocular Growth in Chicks. | Ophthalmic Res 44, 242–250. | 159 |
Nabavi, S.F., Habtemariam, S., Daglia, M., Shafighi, N., Barber, A.J., Nabavi, S.M. | 2014 | Anthocyanins as a Potential Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy. | CMC 22, 51–58. | 160 |
Jin, X., Wang, C., Wu, W., Liu, T., Ji, B., Zhou, F. | 2018 | Cyanidin-3-glucoside Alleviates 4-Hydroxyhexenal-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation via JNK-c-Jun/AP-1 Pathway in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells. | Journal of Immunology Research 2018, 1–8. | 161 |
Zhang, J., Liang, X., Li, X., Guan, Z., Liao, Z., Luo, Yun, Luo, Yunxia, | 2016 | Ocular delivery of cyanidin-3-glycoside in liposomes and its prevention of selenite-induced oxidative stress. | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 42, 546–553. | 162 |
Song, X.-L., Li, M.-J., Liu, Q., Hu, Z.-X., Xu, Z.-Y., Li, J.-H., Zheng, W.-L., Huang, X.-M., Xiao, F., Cui, Y.-H., Pan, H.-W. | 2020 | Cyanidin-3- O -glucoside Protects Lens Epithelial Cells against High Glucose-Induced Apoptosis and Prevents Cataract Formation via Suppressing NF-κB Activation and Cox-2 Expression. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 68, 8286–8294. | 163 |
Kalt, W., McDonald, J.E., Fillmore, S.A.E., Tremblay, F. | 2014 | Blueberry Effects on Dark Vision and Recovery after Photobleaching: Placebo-Controlled Crossover Studies. | J. Agric. Food Chem. 62, 11180–11189. | 164 |
Majumdar, S., Srirangam, R. | 2010 | Potential of the bioflavonoids in the prevention/treatment of ocular disorders. | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 62, 951–965. | 165 |
Giannaccare, G., Pellegrini, M., Senni, C., Bernabei, F., Scorcia, V., Cicero, A.F.G. | 2020 | Clinical Applications of Astaxanthin in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases: Emerging Insights. | Marine Drugs 18, 239. | 166 |
Wang, Y., Huo, Y., Zhao, L., Lu, F., Wang, O., Yang, X., Ji, B., Zhou, F., | 2016 | Cyanidin‐3‐glucoside and its phenolic acid metabolites attenuate visible light‐induced retinal degeneration in vivo via activation of Nrf2/HO‐1 pathway and NF‐κB suppression. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 60, 1564–1577. | 167 |
Nomi, Y., Iwasaki-Kurashige, K., Matsumoto, H. | 2019 | Therapeutic Effects of Anthocyanins for Vision and Eye Health. | Molecules 24, 3311. | 168 |
Kosehira, M., Machida, N., Kitaichi, N. | 2020 | A 12-Week-Long Intake of Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Improved Objective Findings of Ciliary Muscle Contraction of the Eye: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Comparison Trial. | Nutrients 12, 600. | 169 |
Tabella 8 - Malattie Cardiovascolari
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Aviram, M., Kaplan, M., Rosenblat, M., Fuhrman, B. | 2005 | Dietary Antioxidants and Paraoxonases Against LDL Oxidation and Atherosclerosis Development | Atherosclerosis: Diet and Drugs, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 263–300. | 170 |
Serban, C., Sahebkar, A., Ursoniu, S., Andrica, F., Banach, M. | 2015 | Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. | Journal of Hypertension 33, 1119–1127. | 171 |
Wallace, T., Slavin, M., Frankenfeld, C. | 2016 | Systematic Review of Anthocyanins and Markers of Cardiovascular Disease. | Nutrients 8, 32. | 172 |
Wang, X., Ouyang, Y.Y., Liu, J., Zhao, G. | 2014 | Flavonoid intake and risk of CVD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. | Br J Nutr 111, 1–11. | 173 |
Hassellund, S.S., Flaa, A., Kjeldsen, S.E., Seljeflot, I., Karlsen, A., Erlund, I., Rostrup, M. | 2013 | Effects of anthocyanins on cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in pre-hypertensive men: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study. | J Hum Hypertens 27, 100–106. | 174 |
Sorrenti, V., Mazza, F., Campisi, A., Di Giacomo, C., Acquaviva, R., Vanella, L., Galvano, F. | 2007 | Heme oxygenase induction by cyanidin‐3‐O‐β‐glucoside in cultured human endothelial cells. | Molecular Nutrition Food Res 51, 580–586. | 175 |
Garcia-Alonso, M., Minihane, A.M., Rimbach, G., Rivas-Gonzalo, J.C., De Pascual-Teresa, S. | 2009 | Red wine anthocyanins are rapidly absorbed in humans and affect monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 levels and antioxidant capacity of plasma. | The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 20, 521–529. | 176 |
Mauray, A., Felgines, C., Morand, C., Mazur, A., Scalbert, A., Milenkovic, D. | 2012 | Bilberry anthocyanin-rich extract alters expression of genes related to atherosclerosis development in aorta of apo E-deficient mice. | Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 22, 72–80. | 177 |
Tsuda, T., Shiga, K., Ohshima, K., Kawakishi, S., Osawa, T. | 1996 | Inhibition of lipid peroxidation and the active oxygen radical scavenging effect of anthocyanin pigments isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris L. | Biochemical Pharmacology 52, 1033–1039. | 178 |
Dong, Y., Wu, X., Han, L., Bian, J., He, C., El-Omar, E., Gong, L., Wang, M. | 2022 | The Potential Roles of Dietary Anthocyanins in Inhibiting Vascular Endothelial Cell Senescence and Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases. | Nutrients 14, 2836. | 179 |
Cassidy, A. | 2018 | Berry anthocyanin intake and cardiovascular health. | Molecular Aspects of Medicine 61, 76–82. | 180 |
Danielewski, M., Matuszewska, A., Nowak, B., Kucharska, A.Z., Sozański, T. | 2020 | The Effects of Natural Iridoids and Anthocyanins on Selected Parameters of Liver and Cardiovascular System Functions. | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 1-12 | 181 |
Reis, J.F., Monteiro, V.V.S., De Souza Gomes, R., Do Carmo, M.M., Da Costa, G.V., Ribera, P.C., Monteiro, M.C. | 2016 | Action mechanism and cardiovascular effect of anthocyanins: a systematic review of animal and human studies. | J Transl Med 14, 315. | 182 |
De Pascual-Teresa, S. | 2014 | Molecular mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular and neuroprotective effects of anthocyanins. | Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 559, 68–74. | 183 |
Varghese, R., George Priya Doss, C., Kumar, R.S., Almansour, A.I., Arumugam, N., Efferth, T., Ramamoorthy, S. | 2022 | Cardioprotective effects of phytopigments via multiple signaling pathways. | Phytomedicine 95, 153859. | 184 |
Dellagli, M. | 2004 | Vascular effects of wine polyphenols. | Cardiovascular Research 63, 593–602. | 185 |
Tabella 9 - Benessere Cerebrale
Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI |
Rendeiro, C., Guerreiro, J.D.T., Williams, C.M., Spencer, J.P.E. | 2012 | Flavonoids as modulators of memory and learning: molecular interactions resulting in behavioural effects. | Proc. Nutr. Soc. 71, 246–262. | 186 |
Shukitt-Hale, B., Kalt, W., Carey, A.N., Vinqvist-Tymchuk, M., McDonald, J., Joseph, J.A. | 2009 | Plum juice, but not dried plum powder, is effective in mitigating cognitive deficits in aged rats. | Nutrition 25, 567–573. | 187 |
Spencer, J.P.E. | 2010 | The impact of fruit flavonoids on memory and cognition. | Br J Nutr 104, S40–S47. | 188 |
Goyarzu, P., Malin, D.H., Lau, F.C., Taglialatela, G., Moon, W.D., Jennings, R., Moy, E., Moy, D., Lippold, S., Shukitt-Hale, B., Joseph, J.A. | 2004 | Blueberry Supplemented Diet: Effects on Object Recognition Memory and Nuclear Factor-kappa B Levels in Aged Rats. | Nutritional Neuroscience 7, 75–83. | 189189 |
Shukitt-Hale, B., Lau, F.C., Carey, A.N., Galli, R.L., Spangler, E.L., Ingram, D.K., Joseph, J.A. | 2008 | Blueberry polyphenols attenuate kainic acid-induced decrements in cognition and alter inflammatory gene expression in rat hippocampus. | Nutritional Neuroscience 11, 172–182. | 190 |
Galli, R., Bielinski, D., Szprengiel, A., Shukitthale, B., Joseph, J. | 2006 | Blueberry supplemented diet reverses age-related decline in hippocampal HSP70 neuroprotection. | Neurobiology of Aging 27, 344–350. | 191 |
Ramirez, M., Izquierdo, I., Raseira, M., Zuanazzi, J., Barros, D., Henriques, A. | 2005 | Effect of lyophilised berries on memory, anxiety and locomotion in adult rats. | Pharmacological Research 52, 457–462. | 192 |
Joseph, J.A., Arendash, G., Gordon, M., Diamond, D., Shukitt-Hale, B., Morgan, D., Denisova, N.A. | 2003 | Blueberry Supplementation Enhances Signaling and Prevents Behavioral Deficits in an Alzheimer Disease Model. | Nutritional Neuroscience 6, 153–162. | 193 |
Krikorian, R., Nash, T.A., Shidler, M.D., Shukitt-Hale, B., Joseph, J.A. | 2010 | Concord grape juice supplementation improves memory function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. | Br J Nutr 103, 730–734. | 194 |
Banji, O.J.F., Banji, D., Makeen, H.A., Alqahtani, S.S., Alshahrani, S. | 2022 | Neuroinflammation: The Role of Anthocyanins as Neuroprotectants. | CN 20, 2156–2174. | 195 |
Afzal, M., Redha, A., AlHasan, R., | 2019 | Anthocyanins Potentially Contribute to Defense against Alzheimer’s Disease. | Molecules 24, 4255. | 196 |
Panchal, S.K., Brown, L. | 2022 | Potential Benefits of Anthocyanins in Chronic Disorders of the Central Nervous System. | Molecules 28, 80. | 197 |
Zhong, H., Xu, J., Yang, M., Hussain, M., Liu, X., Feng, F., Guan, R. | 2023 | Protective effect of Anthocyanins against Neurodegenerative Diseases through the Microbial-Intestinal-Brain Axis: A Critical Review. | Protective Effect of Nutrients 15, 496. | 198 |
Tran, P.H.L., Tran, T.T.D. | 2021 | Blueberry Supplementation in Neuronal Health and Protective Technologies for Efficient Delivery of Blueberry Anthocyanins. | Biomolecules 11, 102. | 199 |